We are - Mi vagyunk a JETBIRDS |
We are The Jetbirds!
My name is Istvn Kelecsnyi, I was born in 1964 in Budapest, Hungary. I am an enthusiastic plane spotter and photo-journalist specialising on military aviation for more than 20 years. My related articles and photographs are regulary published in leading national aviation magazines such as: Magyar Honvd (Hungarian Soldier), Haditechnika (Military Technology), Aranysas (Golden Eagle) and Air Forces Monthly.
My name is Krisztin Kelecsenyi. Perhaps try this "I am currently at the Janos Neumann Electronic Information College, my area of expertise: media."
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Slideshow Old Timer - reg Madarak |
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Image Galleries - Kpek : 2018 |
A319 multipurpose transport aircraft in the Hungarian Air Force - Kecskemt AFB. Hungary
Visegrad 4Sight 2018 Special Operations Exercise - Szolnok AFB Hungary
Frissian Flag international Exercise - Leeuwarden AFB, Nederland
Police day, Kinghill, Citypark, Budapest, Hungary
Great Race III - Over the Duna, Budapest, Hungary
Reptar (Airstore) Museum, Szolnok, Hungary
NATO Tiger Meet 2018 - Poznan-Kresiny AFB, Poland
Air Show, Lawicza Airport, Poznan Poland
European Transport Airlift Programme (ETAP-T 18), Papa AFB, Hungary
Bundeswehr Tag in Wunstorf AFB. Germany
European Transport Airlift Programme (ETAP-T 18), Szolnok AFB, Hungary
RedBull Air Race - Over the Duna From Budapest, Hungary
Sky Avanger Exercise, Caslav AFB, Czeh. Rep.
2018 - CIAV 2018, Varazdin (Varasd) Airport, Croatia
RIAT 2018 - Fairford AFB, UK
Flying Legends 2018 - Duxford Airport, UK
Flying Sword - Bilaterial Exercise, Kecskemet AFB, Hungary
RIAT 2018 - static - Fairdord AFB, UK
HunAF and civilian flightpass over from Budapest, Hungary
Night Flightline, Kecskemet AFB, Hungary
Slovak International Air Display - Sliac AFB, Slovakia
Jesolo Air Show, Jesolo over the beach, Italy
NATO Day 2018, Ostrava Airport, Czeh.Rep.
Lion Effort Exercise - Kecskemet AFB Hungary
Basevisit the NATO AEW and Control Force E-3A Component at Geilenkirchen AB, Germany.
Flightline in Manching AFB, Germany
Flightline - Szolnok AFB, Hungary
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Remembering the MALEV Airlines - Emlkezznk a MALV-ra |
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2025. Oktber
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