We are - Mi vagyunk a JETBIRDS |
We are The Jetbirds!
My name is Istvn Kelecsnyi, I was born in 1964 in Budapest, Hungary. I am an enthusiastic plane spotter and photo-journalist specialising on military aviation for more than 20 years. My related articles and photographs are regulary published in leading national aviation magazines such as: Magyar Honvd (Hungarian Soldier), Haditechnika (Military Technology), Aranysas (Golden Eagle) and Air Forces Monthly.
My name is Krisztin Kelecsenyi. Perhaps try this "I am currently at the Janos Neumann Electronic Information College, my area of expertise: media."
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Slideshow Old Timer - reg Madarak |
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Image Galleries - Kpek : 2015 |
2015 - Russian President Vladimir Putin's arrival in Budapest, Hungary
2015 - Exercise Warlord Rock 2015 (USAEUR - Hungarian parachute exercise), Papa Airbase, Hungary
2015 - Museo Storico dell' Aeronautica Militare Italiana, Italian Air Force Museum - Braccaino, Italy
2015 - Frisian Flag exercise, Leeuwarden AFB, Nederland
2015 - Visit the US Embassy in Kecskemt AFB, Hungary
2015 - Police day, Budapest, Hungary
2015 - Great Race III. - Budapest over the River Danube, Hungary
2015 - Nationaal Militair Museum, Soesterbeg, Nederland
2015 - Lion Effort Exercise, Caslav AFB, Czeh Republic
2015 - Le Temps des Hlices Airshow, La Fert Alais Cerny, France
2015 - Open Day, Konyha (Kuczhyna) AFB, Slovak Rep.
2015 - Open Day, Taktischen Luftwaffengeschwader 31 „Boelcke“, Norvenich, Germany
2015 - Thracian Eagle exercise, Graf Ignatevo AFB, Bulgarian
2015 - Air Refueling Exercise, Kecskemt AFB, Hungary Rep.
2015 - Meeting de L'Air, Luxeuil AFB, France Rep.
2015 - RedBull Air Race, Budapest, Hungary
2015 - Open Day, Campia Turzii (Aranyosgyres) AfB, Romunia
2015 - Thracian Star exercise, Graf Ingatevo AFB, Bulgarian
2015 - Night Fligt Training, Kecskemet AFB, Hungary
2015 - SIAD, Sliac AFB. Slovak Republic
2015 - US. Florida and Oregon ANG. in Kecskemt AFB. Hungary
2015 - EPRC CJPRSC2015 International Exercise - Ppa AFB Hungary
2015 - Nato Day, Ostrava Airport, Czeh Republic
2015 - Brave Warrior International Exercise, Hajmskr Combat Exercise Center, Hungary
2015 - Muzeum letectva Koice (Kassa), Slovak Republic
2015 - Thunder Cloud, American-Hungary exercise, Ppa AFB, Hungary
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Remembering the MALEV Airlines - Emlkezznk a MALV-ra |
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2025. Mrcius
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